Sunday, March 25, 2012

Text Ads

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Text Ads serve as the key communication between the advertiser and the potential consumer in pay per click marketing. Creating compelling text-ads offers some very obvious benefits:

Whether you are crafting PPC text ads, AdSense text link ads, or in-text ads built within content, it?s important to make sure that your online ads are:

  • Relevant to Your Product.
  • Relevant to the Searcher's Intent.
  • Corresponding with Your Landing Page.

Relevancy is vital for text link ads. More relevant ads bring increased clicks and higher quality web traffic.

WordStream's PPC Advisor software provides you with a series of sophisticated text ad tools to help you create relevant, unique, attractive text-ads that are rich with keywords.

WordStream's Text Ad Tool

WordStream's text ad generator tool automatically generates text-ad recommendations based on the keywords within the text link ad?s ad group.

The text ad tool is easy to use and greatly improves productivity, essential for small businesses with a heavy workload. In this example ad, imagine you own an online pet store. Below is your ad group, ?fish tank.? When you hook up WordStream with your AdWords account, you can view all the details of your ad groups right within the WordStream text ad tool.

As you can see, the ad group below contains a number of variations on the core keyword, ?fish tank.?

Disable Text Ads Adsense

Now that you have this valuable keyword data at your fingertips, you can begin to create compelling text link ads with WordStream. You only have three lines to get the attention of  searchers, so it?s important to make that first impression count.

The text-ad tool makes to easy to attract searchers. Just click the Text Ads tab, then click the ?Add New Text Ad? button. The text-ad generator automatically populates the headline, description line and display URL of the text ad with high-volume, high-traffic keywords from the ad group, saving you precious time and effort:

Text Link Ads

Because the WordStream pay per click text-ad tool is hooked up with your AdWords data, you know the generated text ad is based on real keywords that are valuable for your specific business.

You know your business best, so we let you add in your own call to action and the proper punctuation. WordStream is there to help you with the legwork, letting you choose the right keywords that will drive traffic for your business.

Your finished ad might look a bit like this:

In Text Ads Advertising

Now your ad is packed with high-traffic keywords! It?s attractive, enticing, and relevant to the keyword you are bidding on, which also makes it Quality Score friendly.

Manage Your PPC Text Link Ads with WordStream

WordStream's text ad tools offers numerous organization benefits, such as:

  • Synchronization - Synchronizing and connecting your text-ads, keyword groups, and landing pages is much easier when you have a tool like WordStream automatically including text link ad suggestions with your own keywords.
  • Improved Landing Page Copy - WordStream's keyword suggestion tool can be used for more than just discovering new keywords?you can use it to inform landing page content as well.

WordStream?s Text Ad Management tools provide you with the means of organizing multiple ad groups and numerous keyword phrases in one place, making it easy to create high-quality text link ads with high Quality Scores.

Superior Online Text Ads with WordStream

WordStream lets you utilize tools that make it easy to create numerous targeted, high Quality Score, conversion-friendly ads even when you?re short on time.

Try the free trial of WordStream PPC Advisor today to start creating compelling text ads that will convert for your business.

Looking for more help concerning text-ads and AdWords?


online marketing website optimization improve google rankings search engine search marketing

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