by Todd Bailey
What's your take on the recovering economy? Has it recovered? Contrarily, have we made less traction than expected? A recent Reuters article reports a daunting month of May regarding small businesses. It seems businesses hired less and cut existing hours.
It's difficult to receive widespread statistics. It's a bit easier to understand the slope of the economy within a respective field. At present, it seems the online marketing industry has served as a haven for once lost, re-directed, and newly-focused professionals.
It's understandable. The industry is still considerably young (a little over ten years or so?); and, most professionals did not actively seek online marketing training in college. Rather, many professionals used prior learned skill sets and implemented them into a broad range of online initiatives.
If you think about it, it's easy to see how some job skills relate to online marketing needs. While some small businesses shed weight, others are picking up the 'lost baggage' and reworking professionals into online jobs.
Let's consider some skill sets, which allow for possible future online professionalism:
Graphic Artists - Graphic artists are likely in love with their medium first; yet, graphic art allows itself to marketing, both on and offline. The 'visual' cues of online marketing have gained immense traction and importance. In some cases, I'll go as far to say that some users prefer graphics over text. Think about the popularity of infographics within the last year.
Customer Service - Many people who had experience with customer service, become contact points for online marketing companies, specific client representatives. Clients fall into a huge spectrum of marketing understanding. Often, agency reps aren't doing the 'ground work,' yet must understand processes enough to effectively relate information to clients. It's an important process. Let's face it; many times, effective communication is the most important aspect of a campaign.
College Kids - Younger people, those who grew up with technology (countering the older generations), are prime for online marketing, especially when it comes to social media. What teenager is not familiar with such platforms as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the like? Moreover, younger people understand 'how people engage social media.' Such inherent experience and understanding makes them savvy social media users. A number of businesses have hired college kids as interns or part-time social media workers.
Perhaps some verticals are a bit too cut and dry. Alternatively, the online marketing space allows for some utilization of previously-built skill sets.
Be sure and visit our small business news site.
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