Monday, May 23, 2011

Facebook Family Additions: The New Send Button & Social Deals

Facebook develops new features and alters its layout and settings (and privacy policies) frequently, and the social giant recently introduced two new additions in its continued mission to take over the word.

Facebook’s new Send button allows users to share items with select people rather than everyone in their friend network. Maybe you found a great bar in which to throw your friend’s surprise party – but you certainly don’t want the birthday girl to find out. With the Send button, you can quickly and easily share and send the URL to specific friends, groups, and email addresses.

Facebook Send Button

Cynthia Boris at Marketing Pilgrim has a clever idea about how the Send button could be implemented as a marketing strategy:

"As a marketer, I’d take this one step further and use that Send button for some suggestive selling. Offer a discount to anyone who creates a group that works for your product, be it a lunch club, hiking club or just a club for deal lovers. Once they have the club made, they’ll be more likely to share via that Send button when they visit your site."

Every change and addition Facebook makes is just another chance for marketers to think creatively – bring it on Zuckerberg!

Facebook Announces Social Deals

Facebook has been a busy little bee this week – in addition to the Send button, they’ve also released “Social Deals,” Facebook’s challenge to the popular and ever-growing Groupon and Living Social.

You may be thinking, “Hey, wait a minute … doesn’t Facebook already have a deals program?” Bingo, you are correct! Social Deals will be Facebook’s second deals program, the first being “Facebook Deals,” which is now being called “Check-in deals” to prevent any confusion with the new program … but you’re still a bit confused, right?

Well, the Check-in deals are free, mobile-based, and act like regular coupons you might find in a newspaper, such as, “buy one ice cream cone, get another free,” while the new Social Deals must be purchased beforehand, Groupon-style.

Facebook Deals

Facebook is trying to aim for more socially targeted deals, such as concerts or events, rather than traditional deals for teeth whitening or new counter tops. This is a smart move on Facebook’s part, keeping itself in the social realm, where it rules as king.

Merchants will need to have a Facebook Page before they can set up a Social Deal, which is great because a permanent Facebook presence helps ensure a relationship between the deal buyers and merchants. Normally deal buyers don’t always directly become repeat customers, but connecting the deals and Facebook Pages helps keep those new customers connected and close.

Social Deals could become a great catalyst in getting users to notice you. First they buy your deal, then they “like” you, check out your page, and before you know it, you’ll have real dialogue with real customers. And isn’t that the best deal of all?   

This post originated on the WordStream Blog. WordStream provides keyword tools for pay-per click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) aiding in everything from keyword discovery to keyword grouping and organization.


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