You?re a marketer, you?ve been there ? the end of the month approacheth and you haven?t met your lead goals. If you?ve got limited resources and it?s too late to embark on a brand-new initiative to generate leads, don?t give up ? chances are you can squeeze a few more leads out of the content you?ve already created.
Here are three ways to generate leads by re-utilizing your existing marketing collateral.
Send an Old Offer to a New List
Look back over your most successful lead-gen offers from the past couple of years, such as white papers, guides, or marketing kits. Hopefully, that content is evergreen or, if it?s out of date, can be updated pretty easily (certainly, bringing an older guide up-to-date is faster than starting from scratch to create a new one).
Let?s say you originally launched a guide a year ago, pushed it on your blog and social networks and sent it out to your newsletter list. With pretty minimal time and effort outlay, you can do a quick refresh on the guide if needed, then use it for a list rental or a sponsored email blast ? a new email list will allow you to put that content in front of large number of people who may not even be aware of your business.
In addition, in the year since you launched the guide, you?ve probably added a lot of names to your own list. Consider sending the same offer out to all those new list members who haven?t seen it yet. (You could also send it to previous do-not-opens.) These won?t be brand-new leads, but enticing them to take a new action could push them further toward the business end of your lead funnel.
Repackage Blog Content as a Downloadable Offer
A blog series (say, 5 to 10 related posts on a topic) can be bundled together into a downloadable PDF format like a white paper or e-book. For many people, this format is preferable to a bunch of posts on a blog because it?s readable offline and easier to print.
Again, the effort level here is low ? you?ve already got the text, you just need to translate it into a more attractive long-form article template, then create a landing page for it. Drive traffic to the landing page via your blog, social media, search marketing, etc.
Put Your Best Content Behind a Registration Wall
This may not win you any fans among the diehard ?freetards,? but you can drive up leads by putting your best content pieces ? preferably those that are both information-rich and already bringing in a lot of traffic through SEO ? behind a temporary registration wall. Allow people who find the content through search to view the first couple of paragraphs, but require them to fill out a registration form to get the rest. This should allow you to convert some of that free traffic into more valuable leads.
This post originated on the WordStream Blog. WordStream provides keyword tools for pay-per click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) aiding in everything from keyword discovery to keyword grouping and organization.
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