Thursday, April 21, 2011

Online Marketing Training

Internet Marketing Articles Sponsored by Moe Tamani, the Website Marketing Expert

Online marketing is the process of promoting or marketing goods and/or services on the internet Though online marketing mainly pertains to marketing on the internet it also encompasses marketing through all forms of wireless media including email Online marketing ties several facets together such as development, design, advertising and sales These facets are brought together on an online medium with one goal in mind: to reach the largest number of people at any given time to generate the greatest possible potential for publicity and sales

There are two major characteristics that determine the success of any online marketing campaign These are search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) SEM is a form of internet marketing with a primary mission to promote a website or web pages by increasing visibility in search engine result pages This increase in visibility is done through the use of paid placement, contextual advertisement and paid inclusion SEO is similar to SEM as the primary mission of this process is also to increase the visibility of a website or web page in search engines The difference between SEM and SEO, however, is that SEO is achieved through an organic, unpaid means

There are several benefits to online marketing when done successfully These benefits include but are not limited to:

* Range: This allows your goods/services to be offered to a vast audience exceeding your limited geographically area
* Direct connection: Marketing online allows you to specifically target those that are looking for exactly what it is you have to offer If someone is looking for your goods/services they know exactly where to find you
* Hours of operation: When marketing online you may receive leads and sells for your business while you sleep, vacate or take a lunch break Online marketing means that your business is never closed
* Greater flexibility with marketing materials: Marketing online allows for you to change your marketing strategies and whats being offered daily to cater to the market You can conveniently update prices, promotions, and available products to cater directly to the needs of your business and potential customers
* Feedback: When marketing online you may get immediate feedback from customers regarding the likes/dislikes for the service/product that you offer This information is vital when making the necessary adjustments to more adequately serve your targeted audience

These are just a few of the many benefits of online marketing Once your online marketing campaign is in place, then you must begin thinking about the relevance your business has on search engines Here is where search engine optimization (SEO) steps in An online marketing campaign amounts to nothing if it isnt accompanied by successful SEO SEO can make the products/services you are offering more relevant, attractive and accessible to potential customers Successful SEO means increased exposure which means increased sells You must be trained by professionals to efficiently utilize SEO if you are looking to reap any online marketing benefits Be sure to hire professionals that are knowledgeable, experienced, and have a reputation for online marketing success

If you are interested in training your team or employees in Online Marketing, contact Optimum7 today!

Online Marketing Training

Article By:
Mel Joelle


pay per click ppc experts social media social networking social media marketing

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