Miles Design is an award-winning professional services branding & design firm that works exclusively with high-end professional services firms. Our core areas of expertise include brand strategy, corporate identity design, brand voice development, and website design.
At the onset of a new engagement, our typical professional services client has an extremely high level of expertise that is not understood by the marketplace. Sometimes the depth of their services are even misunderstood by their current client base. We help professional firms from various disciplines, such as architecture, engineering, consulting, legal and other specialized firms, to better position their services and leverage them for better success.
Branding and Positioning
One strategy we employ to achieve niche positioning is Bold Brand™—a multi-step process that unveils the most compelling elements of that firm and directs them on how to leverage their new found brand essence for the greatest possible impact.
Corporate Identity Design
Following our positioning exercise, we help professional firms express their brand essence visually. Our corporate identity process strives to achieve three things: uniquely identify the firm, create a memorable and ownable corporate identity, and implement the new identity across various media in a consistent and flexible manner. As a final output of the corporate identity process, each client gets a corporate identity standards guide to direct visual design of future marketing and design materials.
Brand Voice and Messaging
We don't stop at corporate identity. We also help our clients create a voice that is both unique and ownable in their space. Is it clever, humorous, friendly or serious and technical? We work with professional services firms to find an appropriate voice that complements their brand essence and their corporate identity.
Professional Services Website Design and more
Typically we're also hired by professional services firms to design and build profitable websites. In this space, we see similar website design issues over and over again. Whether it's an aging site that fails to showcase expertise or properly reflect the level of professionalism that the company intends to portray, over-use of flash, or simply a website that fails to drive lead generation, we can help. Our sites are built for SEO performance and help drive results.
And of course, many of our clients need more than just branding and website design. We also help with the design and development of marketing campaigns, print collateral, and the latest social media tools.
If you're ready to learn how we can help, visit and we'll send you our marketing needs assessment for free.
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In Google Analytics, the metric “Users” is defined as “the total number of users for the requested time period”. Unless you have engaged the Google Analytics User -ID feature, a user is technically a unique Google Analytics Client ID, which anonymously identifies a browser instance. Users are further categorized as Unique and returning users.