Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Found The Best SEO Tool Ever

We recently highlighted a few SEO tools we are using and recommending. There are many effective ones. These are working for us.

Many of the tools out there do the same things but they each have their minor differences and nuances. It did not take long to realize there are not any perfect solutions. (Always one or two things that drive you nuts.) As any experienced business person can tell you, perfect is often the enemy of success. So our recommendations, as they should from anyone, come with a disclaimer: Experience may vary.

Shaun Anderson has a good post about SEO tools on the Hobo Seo Blog. His claim is:

Most SEO Tools Are $h*t

Granted this is an intentionally provocative title (makes for good bait! #seocopywritingtip) and, therefore, effective. Wish we had thought of it first.

"Accessible, relevant content and links from trusted sites or brands (and low quality links still work you know) are what you need to get more visitors from Google. If every seo tool went out of business tomorrow, I wouldn’t care and you shouldn’t either."

He offers additional simple, helpful, if not, obvious, advice on what will help clients (or your own business) to do well in the rankings: 

  • learn how to blog
  • come up with reasons for other relevant sites to link to you
  • develop a smart (i.e. economical and safe) way to get low quality links
  • avoid buying links (a nuanced phrase)

People are often looking for the perfect solution; some combination of guaranteed results and total automation. That solution does not exist. The basics, executed well, really do work. And while there is a great deal of math and science involved, achieving success involves subjective factors (i.e. the art of SEO). Everyone knows how to make pancakes and eggs but some people make them better than others.

human brainWe are always looking for ways to make the business run more efficiently and provide a better service to our clients. Every now and then a new tool can make a real difference. However, it is easy to get distracted by shiny new stuff. Occasionally, we even fall victim to good sales copy and waste time checking out a new SEO gadget that turns out to fall in the "poo" category.

Best advice does seem to be to use the best SEO tool of all...your brain.


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