Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Psychology of Search Marketing

I have been considering the psychology behind SEO. Not "Search Engine Optimization" SEO, but "Search Experience Optimization", which is the art and science of engaging and enrolling visitors of your website to begin a meaningful relationship. Whether it be A-to-B, B-to-C or B-to-B, visitors from search are a distinct segment of your audience, one that is actively seeking something you have to offer.

What are people searching for? Well, as of today (7/1/10) they are searching for "a whale skimmer" "tiger woods divorce" and the "toyota recall" (according to Google trends), but that will likely change by tomorrow. Perhaps we can better understand the "What" of Search if we take time to consider the "Why".

I believe at the most fundamental level people are seeking to resolve conflicts great and small. Understanding our Government's Social Security Policy or finding the Lowest Price DeWalt Hammer Drill may seem like simple enough queries, but the conflict they represent is much more important than the keywords might suggest. The question initiating the conflicts might be "How long until I can retire?" or "Can I remodel our bathroom?".

Good Search Experience Optimization helps people resolve conflict efficiently and effectively. What is especially interesting is that resolution can have multiple outcomes. Take the underlying question "Can I remodel our bathroom"? We don't know whether or not someone wants to remodel their bathroom, just that they may be considering the task. They may be comparing contractor estimates against a do-it-yourself approach, hoping that the DIY costs are low enough to justify buying some bitchin' hardware. "How long until I can retire" might be a call for financial advisement. Ultamately they are looking for enough information to make a decision, and they are hoping you will have "enough" of what they're looking for.

Understanding what people are contemplating just prior to querying google would be some of the most valuable information a business could posess. The rest is easy - hire a Professional SEO Company to put you in front of a motivated, active audience. But remember- the trick is knowing what to do with them once you get them where you want them.


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