Saturday, October 15, 2011

Best of the Month: WordStream's September Highlights



As you read this, I?m probably on my way to the DC area, leaving the virtually perfect Denver weather for the East Coast blahs. Ah well, maybe I'll spy some foliage. (I still think it's weird that New Englanders call it "leaf peeping!" It makes it sound so dirty.)

Before you get your weekend started, check out the top 10 most popular blog posts we published this month.

  1. Ultimate Guide to PPC Metrics: 17 Experts on the Top 3 Must-Check PPC Metrics ? This group interview is packed with awesome insights into what metrics actually matter when it comes to analyzing PPC results ? and which ones are pretty much worthless. Even if you don?t want to read the whole thing, be sure to skip to the bottom and see the three most popular answers.
  2. 3 Ways to Scale Linkbuilding with Google Docs ? This guest post by John Doherty of Distilled is a great how-to for getting started with Google Docs to scale link prospecting and outreach email writing efforts.
  3. AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 2 ? The second in a series of interviews we conducted with advertisers who got unusually high scores using the AdWords Performance Grader. Here, Stefan van Vliet shares his best AdWords tips, including how to building enough volume to get statistically significant data.
  4. AdWords Experts Share the Secrets of Their PPC Success, Part 3 ? Rick Archer, an independent consultant, explains how he aced his grader report by paying a lot of attention to search queries and making good use of negative keywords.
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords Ad Extensions ? Tom has been building this comprehensive guide on AdWords ad extensions all month, including sections on location extensions, product extensions and sitelinks.
  6. One Step Closer to Infinite Scroll: Google Keeps Us All on Page 1 ? Google hates pagination! It?s not only treating single-page versions of multi-page content as canonical, it?s testing ?infinite scroll? search results ? will page 2 soon be a thing of the past?
  7. Google AdWords Location Targeting: How Does AdWords Geographical Targeting Really Work? ? Like a lot of AdWords features, location targeting can be a little confusing/misleading. Tom explains this feature in more detail and points out the gotchas.
  8. How to Identify Undervalued AdWords Assets Using Assisted Conversions & Channel Groupings ? Another post from Tom! Here he explains how to use Google Analytics to find campaigns, ad groups, keywords and more that you could be getting more mileage from.
  9. A Common Sense Approach to PPC ? A guest post from 7search?s Abdul Umer, who says that there?s no succeeding in PPC without effort, but taking it step by step can make things easier.
  10. Why Is My Content Network Cost Per Click So High? ? Are your CPCs causing you heartache? Tom outlines three common mistakes you might be making.

Happy fall, y?all!

This post originated on the WordStream Blog. WordStream provides keyword tools for pay-per click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) aiding in everything from keyword discovery to keyword grouping and organization.


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