Saturday, October 15, 2011

New! An Expert's Guide to Controlling PPC Costs with Negative Keywords

Last week, 17 PPC experts (and a few more who chimed in via the comments) told us the metrics they pay the most attention to when analyzing their campaign performance in AdWords. The #1 most common answer was click-through rate (CTR). Cost per conversion was another big one.

There are many ways to improve your click-through rates, including refining your keyword research and writing more compelling ads. We're also big advocates of using negative keywords to improve CTR by reducing impressions and clicks from search queries that are irrelevant to your products or just unlikely to convert. By eliminating those non-converting clicks, advertisers can save an enormous amount of wasted budget (often up to 30%!). So using negative keywords effectively doesn't just raise CTR, it lowers costs and improves ROI.

We just launched a new free e-book for search engine marketers with moderate to advanced skill levels: The Expert's Guide to Controlling PPC Costs with Negative Keywords.

Negative Keywords E-Book

This e-book is packed with information to help you understand, find, and implement negative keywords, including creative applications beyond the obvious. The e-book includes:

  • Negative Keywords: How to Put an End to Waste & Maximize PPC Profits - Our updated white paper on the basics: what negative keywords are, why you should use them, and how to find negative keyword candidates using negative keyword tools.
  • Fighting Cross-Campaign Ad Poaching with Negative Keyword Lists - Are your campaigns poaching impressions from each other? Learn how to prevent it by using campaign-specific negative keyword lists.
  • Advanced Search Query Mining: A Five-Step Guide - This long article by Chad Summerhill explains in detail how to dig into your search query reports and perform some Excel magic to find both negative keyword candidates and new keyword opportunities.

This e-book is free. (Yay, free!) Click here to download the PDF.

This post originated on the WordStream Blog. WordStream provides keyword tools for pay-per click (PPC) and search engine optimization (SEO) aiding in everything from keyword discovery to keyword grouping and organization.


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